Benefits of a Therapy Dog

Categories: Fall | Resources

Dogs are generally known for their loyalty and affection toward their owners. A dog with the right personality can share these traits with others by becoming a therapy dog.

Meet Lulu

From the first time my family saw her, we knew Lulu had the perfect personality to become a therapy dog.  After receiving her Good Canine Citizen certificate this summer, Lulu officially became a therapy dog and the newest staff member in my school district.  Discover the unique benefits of having a therapy dog in the school setting and Lulu’s profound impact on students and staff.


To create a positive impact and improve the lives of those with and without disabilities by providing comfort and emotional support, increasing motivation, and building positive associations.

Benefits of a Therapy Dog

Utilizing a therapy dog in the school setting will:

  • Improve motor skills 
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Increase verbal communication
  • Develop social skills
  • Increase willingness to join in activities
  • Improve interactions with others
  • Reduce anxiety and agitation because of its calming effects
  • Help children learn empathic and nurturing skills
  • Provide comfort and affection to others
  • Provide students with the confidence to improve their academics 
  • Improve mood and energy

Impact on Students and Staff

Lulu has already significantly impacted students and staff in the school setting in a short time.  She has been a high reinforcer for many students, assisted in social opportunities, decreased student behaviors, comforted students and staff, reduced anxiety, created a sense of calmness, increased verbal communication, and helped students transition within the classroom and school.  Lulu is continuously making a difference in the lives of many students and staff, and as her owner, I have loved witnessing her impact on each person she comes in contact with.


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