Category Mega Pack!

Categories: Receptive Language

We talked about how important categorization is to work on with our students during our Cooking Up Communication Summer Series Categorization requires our students to recognize and differentiate objects before they can categorize the objects into groups.  Categorization is the act of sorting or organizing objects/things into different groups or categories by like attributes

This Category Mega Pack is full of various worksheet at different skill levels to practice categorization with your students.

Categorization Mega Pack

Simple Category Worksheets – In this section the worksheets are all focused on 8 different common categories to teach and practice with your students.  Here are some examples of those worksheets that target those categories.  You can have the students cut and sort pictures into the right category.

Category sort Category Cut and Sort


Other worksheets in the simple category section include coloring objects in a given category, matching the picture to the category, and circling the picture in the same category.

Color the category Cateogry Match Category Color Matching

More Complex Worksheets – There are also a variety of more complex worksheets that include additional categories and break down some of the previous categories into more specific categories.  For example, instead of just a food group now there is a fruit, vegetable, meat, dessert, breakfast food, and dinner food category.

Category Naming Category what doesn't belong Category Answer the question Category Identification

Category Boards – This is one of my favorite go to activities to work on categorization with my students.  It allows for flexibility with the amount of categories you want to target at a given time and can be used individually or within small groups.  Start using 2 categories first and expand to more categories depending on your students’ abilities.  For example, I might use animals and food.  I hand the student a picture and if the student is verbal I have the student name the item and then place the picture on the correct category board.  If the student is non-verbal you can model the word for the student, hand the student the picture, and have the student place the picture on the correct category board.  You can also have this as a work task for your students and they need to sort the pictures onto the correct category boards independently and you check it afterwards with the student.

Category Boards 2

Category Boards 2 More


3 sort category boards

Hope this helps you get organized for the start of the school year! The Category Mega Pack will help target a wide range of kids in both speech and the classroom setting!


Sarah The Speech Helper


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