Work Tasks and Activities to Work on Pre-Reading Skills

Pre-reading skills can involve many activities, which you can incorporate into your work tasks, direct instruction, or small group lessons. These skills help lay the foundation for future reading skills. Check out some work tasks and activities below to add to your classroom. 

Sorting Activities

Start introducing letters, pictures, books, and text by having students sort these items.

Sort by:

  • Letters and vehicles, animals, etc.
  • Pictures and text 
  • Books and food, instruments, etc.

Matching Activities

  • Matching identical or similar picture
  • Matching identical letters 

Check out these task boxes from Especially Education.


Select books that interest the student and switch these out weekly.

Start showing students how to hold/access a book, have the student point to pictures in the book, read the book to the student, etc.

Adapted books

Create adapted books based on themes you might be doing for groups or that the general education classroom is doing.  When the class reads the book, the student can follow along by placing the velcro picture onto the page.


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