Anyone have any of those students who seem to just FLY through all independent work you give them? You spend all this time making what you think are these great, engaging, and – let’s be honest – time consuming tasks and before you can even begin some quality direct instruction time with another student your guy has whipped through the tasks already. Jeez. Independent work is essential to generalizing and maintaining previously mastered skill but also necessary for scheduling. With our wide range of types of students – individualized instruction becomes a must! The other students need to be busy and working while you are working one on one with students!
So yes – sometimes you just need some work that is time consuming. Am I right? Don’t feel bad. I don’t. I have plenty of work that is academically enriched and specifically goal related and it’s okay to have a little bit of work that is just to fill time. Everyone does it. Word searches to the rescue. It’s still academic but it takes some time. I love A to Z Teacher Stuff’s word search generator because you can make word searches that are thematic and relevant to what you are working on. That should ease your guilt! Check it out:
You can select exactly how big, what shape, and what words are included in the puzzle. Awesome right?!
I made one for a book we are working on for a little independent extension work! Great to work busy bees!
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They are not only time fillers but an adult leisure activity. Lots of people, me included, do word search or sudoku puzzles to relax. One of my biggest worries is tht my students will grow up and sit in front of a TV all day because they have nothing else going on in their lives. I want them to be active contributing people, who have jobs and a wide range of activities they can participate in during leisure time. Everything I do is geared towards that vision.
Great point! 🙂
What a great idea! I do have a couple of kids who just zoom through their independent work and I always feel like I’m in a race to get ahead of them. I hate the idea of “busy work,” but since word work is a big part of what we do in my room, these word searches will be great! Thanks!
Amy Marie
You are very welcome Amy Marie! Word search away 🙂