Using Cartoons to Teach Social Skills

Last year, we used this great farm comic template I found from Whimsy Workshop Teacher to work on idioms. I loved the idea of having this word bubbles to practice our new idioms we had been working on.  We made our comics using the idioms we had worked on. This worked really well since idioms are funny. My kids had a blast and it was a great way to work on a challenging concept in a fun way. I came across this template again this year and decided to use it in a different way with a different group. Gotta love the multi-use resources! Our classrooms are ever-changing!

Here are last year’s idiom comics:

The Autism Helper - Idioms

The Autism Helper - Idioms

This year, I used this template with my mid level group to work on wh- questions. This is something they really struggle with. Especially, when we work on wh- question discrimination. Switching between those questions can be hard. Having examples and the word bubbles helped us work on these conversation skills in a concrete way. It went really well!

First, we put the page in dry erase pocket to practice questions and answers. 


I gave a question and the students had to respond by writing an appropriate answer.

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Then we made our own versions. They turned out really cute and I saw some definite improvement in skills throughout this lesson!




  1. I plan to buy your social story on hygiene her soon. i have been looking for a social story about touching and germs. I have a student who likes to touch, hug and even kiss all over the others. She is like a full time mom to all of them and annoys them all. Most of mine have limited verbal skills so all here is the screams of displeasure.

  2. I love this idea. thanks for sharing.

  3. What a great idea! Social stories are such a great way to explicitly teach students. What I love about this activity is students help create and develop their own social stories. When students are involved with the creation process activities become so much more meaningful and engaging for students.

  4. That’s a tricky set of behaviors! Hope the social stories help!

  5. how would you teach the child to discriminate between DRAWING a picture of a tree and WRITING the word tree? Currently my son is writing the word tree when given the prompt to ‘draw’ a tree.

  6. What about using visuals (a small picture of write and draw) when giving the prompt?


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