Training Staff {Model}

Yesterday I climbed high up on my soapbox and gave you the “you must and can make time for staff training” speech. Maybe I sold you. Maybe I didn’t. You still might have that nagging voice in the back of your head, “but it’s impossible to find time to train staff.” Hopefully, we will be able to get rid of that. After you share information regarding the behavioral intervention to your staff, the next step is to model the appropriate way to implement the intervention.

While you are modeling the intervention and having your staff observe – this may leave some kids unattended. This is where you need to utilize independent work, extra break time, puzzles computer, iPad, etc. I know what you are thinking. “I can’t do that!” Guess what? You can and you will. If will be FAR more beneficial in the long run to have a few kiddos miss out on a few days of work and be able to completely eliminate a dangerous & disruptive behavior. If you half way train your staff – then you will half way reduce the behavior. And your poor kiddos will get a half way great education the rest of the year. So take a deep breath, spend the time to train your staff and you will thank yourself later.

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I promise if I find one of you saying in front of a kiddo, “Yea, his scratching is attention maintained so that’s why I’m providing attention every 2 minutes so he no longer needs attention from scratching” I might scratch you. Seriously. Don’t talk about kids in front of them like they aren’t there! It’s just rude! And if it’s an attention behavior you are dealing with, it’s really just stupid too. Because bam them have your attention again. And know how to get it some more. Okay soapbox #2 of the week over and out.


This post is part of Summer Series: Reducing Problem Behavior. Click here to see more in this series!

The Autism Helper - Summer Series



  1. I think we live a parallel life. Everything you write relates to my situation- right down to talking about behaviors in front of students. That was SO hard to break for my staff last year. They finally stopped toward the end of the year, but it was back a little at ESY. I need to show them this post. Thank you!

  2. Staff management is tricky! Hope this helps! Have a great back to school season 🙂


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