Tracking Homework Success

Categories: Curriculum Ideas | Data

A little self-monitoring can go a long way. We have been using my Leveled Homework resource this year and it has made my life a billion times easier. And when I say a billion – I literally mean a billion. Homework is prepared for each of my kids at their individual level. Now comes making sure they actually do the perfectly prepared homework. Some self- monitoring and competition can make the world of a difference. You need to ensure there is a positive consequence for doing homework beyond just adult praise or work completion.

We started off with charting completed and uncompleted homework each day.

The Autism Helper

After that, we switched it up a bit. Now we are completing a countdown of how many days in a row each student has gone without missing homework.

The Autism Helper

The Autism Helper

We are having a competition to see who can go 50 days in a row without missing their homework. They are super pumped and that competition bug can grab even the most unenthusiastic little learner. 🙂

The Autism HelperThe Autism Helper


  1. i LOVE your ideas, classroom, lessons, seriously EVERYTHING. Is it possible to record your classroom in action? I understand for confidentiality reasons, you may not be able to, but I would love to see how everything runs in a short video clip. What does you small group station look like while an IA runs one station? Etc.

  2. Kelsey, I have often wondered the same things. I wish I could come and observe your class for the whole day, Sasha! Staying consistent with a schedule and keeping my IA consistent with her duties is my biggest challenge; and time management, oh boy. I don’t even want to go there. As much as my kids are in and out of the classroom, I just don’t feel like I get enough instruction time in, each day. It’s crazy!

  3. I would LOVE to Kelsey but I can’t put videos of my student online unfortunately. 🙁 I will try to brainstorm some solutions!

  4. I know! The scheduling and time management can be difficult. I’d love to video or have observers but cannot. I will try to do some more video tutorials! 🙂

  5. Hi! I was wondering how you find the time and materials to make individualized homework for every student? What kinds of things do you send home as homework? I’m a pretty new K-2 Mod/Severe SDC teacher. I’ve found somethings they all need to work on, like writing their name, that I have them all do regularly, but I struggle finding things appropriate for each student to send home every night, and even more with finding the time to put it together. Thanks!

  6. I really like this idea and could see myself using a system similar to this in my own classroom. I was wondering if you find this activity to be very motivating for your students? I am always looking for ways to help motivate students.

  7. Yes! They are very motivated! Sometimes getting at the competitive side really works!


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