Teaching Nonexamples

In the ABLLS, one of the tasks is identification of nonexamples. So, what does this mean? When given a verbal prompt “which one is not a _______?” can the student correctly identify the correct nonexample provided the field of response options? For our learners who haven’t quite mastered this skill, we created a very easy-to-administer discrete trial program targeting receptive nonexample identification.



How do we define nonexample? When we think “nonexample” we think, which one is NOT the same? Or which one of the options is different than the others? The options that all have something in common will be items from the same category (i.e. plants, foods, and cars).


There are 4 sets and each set presented has a field size of 4. The mastery criterion for our program is when the student correctly identifies the nonexample for 5 trials on 5 consecutive days, they move on to the next set.


Here’s a picture of our program information sheet, the data sheet, and some of the flashcards we use for our program.


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P.S. Don’t forget to provide reinforcement for correct responses!

The data sheets and program guides for this program are included in our Discrete Trial Goal Sheets & Data Forms SET 3! This is a perfect resource to get your direct instruction up and running!










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