Surviving (and making the most of) the First Week

Categories: Resources

I have gotten a ton of emails lately about the first week of school. I can almost hear the nervousness through carefully worded questions. Let’s just admit it – it’s scary. Actually – it’s super freaken scary. Vaguely terrifying actually. First year teacher or not – those start of the year jitters never really go away. So let’s talk about how to not only get through the first week of school but make it worth it. Let’s go beyond just getting through it. Let the first week set you up for a successful year. The first week will lay the foundation for a great year. Trust me – it’s much harder to come back from a weak and shakey first week. So put on your big girl pants. Buy some ice cream and wine just in case it goes badly and you need a drown-your-sorrows dinner. Gather up all your energy, ideas, plans, and binders. And most importantly – don’t forget your coffee.


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Also – I have some great news to share. Did you notice that new page up there? Join In. Wondering what that’s all about? It’s a link to a discussion board. I have chatted with many of you about how we feel like we are on an island. The lone autism teacher in a sea of general ed teachers. Nobody can quite understand our bad day and sure as heck won’t be able to provide some meaningful advice. So let’s get together and help each other out. I am hoping this can be a place to share ideas, share the great moments and the hard ones, and makes all feel a little less alone.

Add your first day of school tips to the discussion board and I will be picking some emails for some awesome new freebies! 🙂 


The Autism Helper


  1. Thank you so much for this post! There is truly a great deal of anxiety regarding the first week of school and it is great to feel both “not alone” and to have a general list of criteria.

  2. Hi Sasha, I love this topic and I”m sure many of us are in the same boat with the ‘first day of schoo’ jitters! I was wondering if you have a letter to the parents that you send out on the first day of school with your expectation, rules etc. (or even surveys you want parents to fill out to get to know the students better).


  3. Thank you for reading! Good luck with the start of the school year.


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