Super Bowl = SUPER sale

Categories: Resources

Maybe you haven’t heard yet but Teachers Pay Teachers is hosting a SUPER sale in honor of the Super Bowl on Sunday. This will be a one day sale and every item in my store will be 27% off! Use the promo code: SUPER. My wish list is already filled up – I just can’t pass up a sale!

Stock up for the rest of the year! I have been cracking out new adapted books and bingo games. I have been trying to get a few new resources up so you can get them at the lovely sale discount! 🙂

I changed a few web details to get even more organized than I already am. I know. It’s a problem. I added the My Products page. I kept getting a little confused on what resources I had so I wanted a place to organize all downloads by type: adapted books, games, units, work tasks, schedules/visuals, data/organization, and behavior management.

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Also – if you are doing a little shopping be sure to check out my pinterest Product Quick Guide board:

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and if you like to know every intimate detail about your future purchase – check out my Video Product Preview board! I go through every page of the download and explain set up, use, and implementation ideas! (I apologize if sometimes the dry alarm goes off during the videos sometimes – haha)

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So get your shop on party peeps! Fill up your wish list in case there are any technical difficulties on Sunday. Email or message me if you have any questions at all 🙂

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I have a fun Valentine freebie lined up for tomorrow (is it redundant to say I LOVE Valentine’s Day?).


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