The Staff Training Blueprint

Strategies to Put You on the Path to Creating a More Cohesive Team

Staff Training is ALWAYS important but now it is more necessary than ever.

Get ready to start, restart, or re-energize the way you collaborate with your team. This document pretty much answers all of the most frequently asked questions I get about staff training. Learn how to:

  1. Create a Rapport
  2. Make the Time
  3. Provide Specific Training
  4. Continue All Year

Your classroom has a team for a reason. Your team is there to help meet the needs of your students. Your paraprofessionals are there to help provide instructional and behavioral support for each child. They are teachers, and more teachers means more instruction!


This year make the commitment to make staff training a priority. This blueprint will show you the way!


– Sasha Long, M.A., BCBA

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©TheAutismHelper, Inc. 2020