
Springtime Learning!

Springtime Learning!

Spring is a wonderful time of year full of new growth, fresh starts, and warmer weather. As I approach this season, I love considering how I can incorporate spring themes into language and learning activities for my students. I have also been using alternative and...

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My Sensory Life: Smell

My Sensory Life: Smell

Here we are in Spring where April showers bring May flowers. I have heard that saying many times in my life and just figured that it was referring to the Mayflower that the pilgrims came on and the “April showers'' part just placed a picture of a calendar on the month...

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Springtime Activity Fun!

Springtime Activity Fun!

Spring is here! Whether it feels like actual spring weather in your area or not, it’s time to unpack the colorful eggs, bunnies, and flowers!  I had the best time recently using several different activities with two of my favorite young learners.  We read the adapted...

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Focus on Five: Academic Egg Hunt

Focus on Five: Academic Egg Hunt

Up until the pandemic, I had been doing an academic egg hunt for my students right before spring break. It was the last activity I was preparing for before school was closed down in 2020, so I am excited this year to do it with students in-person for the first time in...

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Spring Into File Folder Activities

Spring Into File Folder Activities

Happy Spring from Virginia!   Spring is finally here in Virginia - for my family that means long walks to the dog park and spending our Saturdays at the local farmer's market - it's one of our favorite times of year! But, picking out what to dress our babies in...

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Celebrating Autism in Elementary

Celebrating Autism in Elementary

The month of April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance month. In most of our worlds, every day is Autism Acceptance, however April gives us an excuse to educate and inform others how amazing our students are. I am a firm believer that we should talk about our differences...

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End of Year Activities

End of Year Activities

Most of us are nearing the end of the school year and I cannot believe how quickly the year has gone. Maybe it has crawled for some, but I think for everyone it is truly a great time to look back and reflect.  The progress and memories you have made with...

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End of the Year Activity: Scrapbooks!

End of the Year Activity: Scrapbooks!

This is one of my FAVORITE classroom activities. And I don't mean that like when I say fluency or adapted books are my favorite (although they are my favorite too...) but this is really my favorite because of how much the kids just love the finished products. I...

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Easter Ideas!

Easter Ideas!

Of course there is an “Old Lady” book for the Easter season.  Last year I read "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick" by Lucille Colandro and paired it with a cute chick craft.  I decided to update the visual pictures to match the book along with the visual and...

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Summer School Ideas

Summer School Ideas

A great summer school session is a perfect mash up of a chill school day while still keep some of the structure and rigor that we thrive on during the school year. It's definitely appropriate (and NEEDED) to take it down a level. Work on social skills. Have fun. Do...

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