Back to School Jitters

Categories: Resources

How appropriate is this linky party for me right now?! I am having MAJOR back to school jitters. I thought I would be able to get into my classroom this week and get going on the intensive classroom set up extravaganza but unfortunately I just found out we won’t be able to get into our rooms until the first day of teacher meetings next week. Ugh! Stressful! I know it will all get done but I want to get started!!


Back to School Jitters Linky Party
What are your back to school jitters??


  1. Hang in there! I was in the same position, and I decided that my room didn’t have to be perfect the first day or even the first week. It’ll get done!

    Diane R
    Fifth in the Middle

  2. How exciting to be so invigorated about the new year! The schedule is always an area of stress until it gets going. 🙂 I have some ASD kids in my general education classroom, and I know they will keep me on my toes. Hope to get some ideas from your website along the way! Good luck with your new kids.


  3. Thanks! I need to avoid the perfectionist in me! And you are so right – it always gets done!

    Have a great start of your school year!
    – Sasha

  4. Thanks Emily! The schedule is stressful but it does always seem to work itself out. Good look with your kids – let me know if you ever have any questions or want someone to bounce ideas off of 🙂

    – Sasha


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