Multiplication Mega Pack
Level 4 - Math
August 18, 2015
Small Group Instruction is essential for providing individualized instruction within a classroom of learners with diverse needs. In this session, learn the evidence based strategies on how to provide small group instruction in an effective, efficient, and functional way. This session provides an overview on considerations for grouping students, how to schedule groups, and what back end organization is vital to keep groups running smoothly. Then, attendees will learn the specific steps to utilize while running groups. These antecedent based interventions will help prevent problem behavior during the work session, allow for consistent data collection, and maximize learning opportunities.
The optimal setup of the classroom environment is essential to increase engagement and cooperation as well as decrease negative behaviors. In this session learn how to organize, setup, and structure your classroom effectively. Start out with purposeful planning to lead to a structured and routine based environment. Attendees will learn how to create staff and student schedules, setup and utilize behavior and academic visuals, create data systems, setup independent work, and begin curriculum planning. Staff training is integrated into each section in order to get the whole team on board!
Sensory processing impacts everyone and is an essential foundation for learning. In this session, participants will learn about the eight sensory systems and why they are important. Participants will learn how to identify different ways individuals may respond to sensory input and how that impacts behavior and participation in daily activities. Finally, specific sensory strategies and tools that can be used to support students of all ages and sensory profiles will be explored.
For your classroom to run smoothly, the use of schedules and visuals are a must. However the setup can be overwhelming and maintaining these systems can be very time consuming. Learn the most efficient and time saving ways to use visual schedules and how to incorporate visuals throughout your classroom so they are there when you need them! These interventions will help prevent behavior problems, ease student anxiety, and allow maximum communication opportunities!
In this session we will also focus on creating materials and resources that are appropriate for your students to meet their IEP goals. We will discuss implementing appropriate and useful independent work systems that give students the opportunity to generalize and maintain previously learned skills.
The Roadmap to Reading gives an overview of how to provide effective and individualized reading instruction to struggling or reluctant readers. This workshops covers assessment, planning and setup, implementation, data, and staff training. The Roadmap to Reading is based on the Science of Reading’s foundational 5 components of reading. These components are taught through the 3-Part Framework of Direct Instruction, Fluency Instruction, and Guided Reading Groups. This workshop reviews how to schedule, setup, and run each center. We go in-depth into best practices and evidence based strategies for this multi-tiered approach.
A key component to all behavior management strategies is the effective use of reinforcement. In this session, participants will learn how to correctly utilize reinforcement. We breakdown how making simple changes to the way you are approaching challenging behaviors can make a huge impact in teaching positive, prosocial, communicative behaviors. Participants will walk away with a clear understanding of the difference between reinforcement and bribery as well as the knowledge of how to ensure their behavior plans are set up correctly.
In this full day workshop, we will explore methods to increase vocabulary, literacy skills, independence, and communication skills in your preschool students! The day begins with an in-depth look at the importance of building vocabulary for all preschoolers. Increased vocabulary will lead to more advanced reading skills in early elementary and overall school achievement. In this session, we will review the importance of building vocabulary and ways to identify vocabulary deficits. We will explore a range specific strategies for increasing word knowledge and use at a variety of levels for delayed learners. We will explore how to increase language through the use of Higher Order Thinking Questions, play based learning, and classroom based read aloud.
Next we will examine how appropriate and purposeful use of visuals helps build executive functioning skills with our younger learners. Many students with special needs struggle with receptive language. This delay in language development can cause issues with many executive functioning skills. In this session, learn how to utilize visuals to improve organization, planning, following directions, problem solving, and cognitive flexibility with preschool students. We will explore specific strategies and examples of how to create visuals, teach appropriate use, and utilize on a daily basis.
The Practical Behavior Approach is a comprehensive workshop designed to help attendees successfully reduce problem behaviors and improve cooperation, independence, and engagement of children of all ages. Learn how to prevent problem behaviors and respond effectively when negative behaviors occur while building essential positive skills. Discover how a child’s diagnosis, history of trauma, and sensory needs impact behavior and the strategies we use. The strategies in this session can apply to students of all ages with and without a disability.
This workshop will breaks down the Functional Behavior Plan process and teaches how to create a function based behavior intervention plan. Attendees will learn solutions to foster increases in positive, communicative behaviors and decreases in problem behaviors. This session will begin by exploring how to apply these strategies to everyday situations in an applicable and proactive way. This approach will focus on the changing outcomes of behaviors by looking at the entire context and approaching behavior change from a function based perspective. The key is not only teaching communication, but teaching the right type of communication in order to produce long lasting behavior change. However, we all know – there are those times when things do not go as planned. Learn how to tackle those high-stress situations where no option seems like the right one and all bets are off. This workshop highlights ready to use interventions and real-life scenarios. The concepts can be applied to a wide range of environments
In this session, participants will learn about the connection between movement and the brain, as well as the impact of movement on academic and functional performance. Participants will learn how to incorporate movement activities and tools into the school day, such as flexible seating, brain breaks, yoga and so much more. Finally, participants will learn how to adapt and modify movement activities to facilitate independence for all students.
In this session, learn the 3 keys to teaching reading to struggling learners and students with special needs. Embracing the big picture goal, organization, and a comprehensive approach are essential to efficiently and effectively building reading skills for a range of struggling learners. Participants will walk away with actionable strategies for planning and creating opportunities for literacy instruction.
In this full day workshop, we will explore methods to increase communication, social skills, literacy, and independence through play based instruction. This session is geared for early childhood educators and clinicians. In this workshop, we break down the critical elements of play and why play is essential for building foundational skills. This session is focused on action strategies. Learn how to utilize easy to use informal assessments, identify goals, plan play based instruction, facilitate learning during play, and take efficient data. Attendees will walk away with a toolbox of resources, ideas, and activities for increasing a wide range of skills.
Interoception is the eighth sensory system, which involves internal sensations such as hunger, thirst, need for the bathroom, body temperature, heart rate and muscle tension. In this session, participants will explore interoception more in depth. Learn how interoception impacts emotions, self regulation, and social interaction skills. Finally, participants will identify specific activities and strategies to build interoceptive awareness in all students.
Literacy is a key component to being a functionally independent adult. We live in a text rich world and our students need to know how to navigate through it successfully. As a teacher it’s often a struggle to balance academic and functional instruction. In this session, learn how to make your literacy curriculum real world applicable and engaging for your students!
This session will examine literacy instruction for all types of students. We will examine instructional planning, activity ideas, and specific interventions. Many struggling learners benefit from structured tasks, the use of visuals, multiple exemplars, discrimination training, and routine based instruction. Learn how you can incorporate these strategies into your functional literacy instruction.
Fluency is accuracy plus speed and is a must-have when it comes to making the skills we teach functional in the real world. Learn how to implement fluency instruction in your classroom with this interactive workshop. This presentation covers instructional strategies for a wide range of learners including both functional and academic skills. Attendees will walk away with actionable ideas to implement fluency instruction in their classroom!
This workshop teaches the importance of building executive functioning skills and how to build those skills within a wide range of learners. Attendees will learn the entire process from assessment and goal identification to instructional strategies and data collection. Walk away with a toolbox of strategies to teach essential skills such as flexibility, emotional control, sustained attention, and so much more!
Executive Functions are the skills needed to accomplish goal directed behavior and are critical for every day success. The skills of planning, organization, shifting and sustaining attention, impulse control, and more are key to everything from making friends to having a job to completing a math test. In this session, learn how to identify the skill deficits that your students are struggling with under the area of executive functioning skills. Learn how to approach teaching and developing these skills with the same rigor and systematic planning that we give to other areas of need. Identify ways to setup an environment that promotes independence and problem solving. Finally, learn how to track progress and fade assistance.
This workshop breaks down the data collection process for special education classrooms. Attendees will learn how to streamline the data collection process and collect data that will truly informs instruction. Learn how to analyze and use data to drive your instruction, IEP goals, and behavior plans.
The key to successful data collection is to make it easy and doable! We will discuss ways to take data that are efficient, time saving, and useful for both academic and behavior data. In this session, we will review using rubrics, rate of responding, frequency count, and tracking prompt levels to take data on both functional and academies skills. Next learn how to take frequency, duration, and rubric data for problem behaviors to develop your behavior plans. Organization is the major component to a successful data system. Learn how to create specific and individualized data sheets in a fast and simple way and explore a range methods of organizing your data so you can access it readily. Staff training is also essential. Learn how to work with your staff so data is taken consistently across all areas of your classroom!
Schedules are one of the most essential components to any effective classroom! Schedules let us know when transitions will occur, the order of activities, and alerts us to changes. Children with autism, receptive language challenges, anxiety, and a history of trauma, schedules are even more important. Effective use of schedules can increase functional independence and decrease negative behaviors. However, there are some common pitfalls we fall into when it comes to appropriate schedule use. Learn my 10 dos and don’ts for classroom schedules and make the most out of this must-have strategy!
The way the learning environment is set up is one of the most valuable tools you have. This can drastically impact the success of academic instruction and lead to decreases in negative behavior and anxiety as well as increases in student independence. In this session, learn how to take a proactive approach and build your toolbox of strategies. These antecedent interventions will help you create an optimal learning environment based on student needs. We will also explore how to support teams in utilizing these strategies with efficacy.
The goal for ALL students is to be learning, engaged, and independent. When are students are struggling to achieve this goal, we need to get to the root of the problem. Begin this process by identifying each learning and behavioral challenge as a Can’t Do or Won’t Do. Is the work or work process beyond your child’s skill level or is the motivation to complete the task not there? Explore learning obstacles by improving executive functioning skills. Learn how to identify executive functioning strengths and weaknesses. Match student strengths with activities they can excel at while simultaneously directly teaching skill deficits. For students who demonstrate the skills need but struggle with the motivation, add a proactive element to your behavior management system by implementing positive reinforcement to increase positive behaviors within your class. Learn best practices related to reinforcement and why it may not be working right now in your classroom. This session is jam packed with ready to use strategies for general education and special education classrooms.
Learn how to structure an effective classroom and utilize The Autism Helper Curriculum Access in this dynamic and jam-packed session! For Curriculum Access users, this workshop will walk teachers through how to set up and use the curriculum. We will cover placement assessments and determining levels, lesson planning, running instructional lessons, making data-based decisions, and troubleshooting challenging areas. This framework works best when incorporated into a highly structured and routine-based classroom that uses small-group instruction. Teachers will learn how to effectively set up this structure to prevent problem behaviors and allow for maximum instructional time. We will discuss independent work, staff training, and schedules as well!
We live in a rule-driven world yet so often our children and adults lack the understanding of these guidelines. Behavior Contingency Maps show a visual representation of everyday rules. These maps illustrate the consequences that result from both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. These maps are an ABA based intervention and help identify the ABC pattern of behavior (antecedent, behavior, consequence) and will give your student or child a concrete way of understanding that “if, then” relationship – “If you do this, this will happen.” Using visuals is essential so that students with low receptive language can understand common rules and contingencies. In this session, audience members will explore the purpose & use of Behavior Contingency Maps as well as create their own customized behavior map. Learners will leave ready to implement this strategy immediately in an effective and positive way!
Working in the special education field, we are often tasked with the daunting job of creating a curriculum for our students. We don’t have a roadmap to follow. Nobody hands you the perfect text book for each of your students. Many individuals with autism or special needs have skills that are scattered, varied, and difficult to assess. As educators and parents, we have to the heavy lifting to determine what our students know and what they need to learn next.
In this session, learn how to create a functional and appropriate curriculum guide for a wide range of types of learners. We will discuss how to incorporate assessments, state standards, and functional needs to develop appropraite goals. Then we will explore ways to teach and build both academic and functional skills. This presentation will guide you through the planning stages, IEP goal writing, and finish with the creation of materials.
Learn how to target a wide range of literacy goals for early childhood students using interactive and hands-on adapted books. An adapted book is any book that has been modified in some way that makes it more accessible. Adding moveable pieces, simplified text, and visually based comprehension activities to your existing favorite books can help increase student engagement. In this session, we will explore ways to create your own adapted books that build both foundational language skills and more advanced literacy concepts. Adapted Books can be used to build basic literacy and language skills such as matching, sequencing, sorting, following directions, categorizing, using prepositions, and more. Take it the next level by building advanced skills such as making inferences, using context clues, and identifying emotions. Learn how to utilize these books in small group instruction efficiently and effectively!
In the role of a special education teacher you are also placed with the responsibility of being a manager to your team. That responsibility can be challenging and overwhelming. Often teachers have very little training on this. In this session, learn why staff training is so essential to the success of your classroom. We explore how this gives your students more instructional time, behavior plans are implemented more consistently, and more reliable prompt fading leads to more student independence. Participants will learn actionable strategies to create time for staff training and then utilize that time efficiently to build a team approach.
Positive behavior change involves focusing on the WHY behind a behavior and teaching the missing skills. The results of real behavior change are long-lasting, generalize to new settings, and socially significant for the individual. However, when moving towards this goal there can be significant challenges. Several common missteps in creating behavior plans can lead us astray from our goal of positive behavior change. In this session, learn the three most common mistakes that impact the success of a behavior plan. These mistakes include inconsistency with strategies, not including a replacement behavior, and lack of consistency with staff. Then explore strategies to combat these missteps and ensure that your behavior plan is on track for success.
In the world of consulting, developing an effective and conceptually systematic behavior plan is only half the battle. Having staff or parents accurately and consistently implement the plan will determine program success. Time, resources, and staff participation are big obstacles facing effective consultations. In this session, learn 10 actionable strategies for developing collaborative consultative relationships that lead to better follow through on behavioral programs. These strategies are not only real world based but also aligned to the BACB’s ethical guidelines. Each tip is supported by a specific guideline.
In this session, learn how to identify the skill deficits that your students are struggling with under the area of executive functioning skills. Embrace the power of ‘yet’ – these are skills they don’t have, yet. Learn how to approach teaching and developing these skills with the same rigor and systematic planning that we give to other areas of need. Identify ways to setup an environment that promotes independence and problem solving. Finally, learn how to track progress and fade assistance.
In this session, learn how to identify the skill deficits that your students are struggling with under the area of executive functioning skills. Embrace the power of ‘yet’ – these are skills they don’t have, yet. Learn how to approach teaching and developing these skills with the same rigor and systematic planning that we give to other areas of need. Identify ways to setup an environment that promotes independence and problem solving. Finally, learn how to track progress and fade assistance.
Schedules are an essential component to any effective classroom. Schedules let us know when transitions will occur, the order of activities, and alerts us to changes. For children with autism who may struggle with receptive language processing, schedules are even more important. Effective use of schedules can increase functional independence and decrease negative behaviors and anxiety. However, there are some common pitfalls we fall into when it comes to appropriate schedule use. Learn my 10 dos and don’ts for classroom schedules and make the most out of this must-have strategy!
The key to successful data collection is to make it easy and doable! No matter how great your data system is – if it’s too complicated you won’t use it. In this session, learn how to make your data system work for you. We will discuss ways to take data that are efficient, time saving, and useful for both academic and behavior data.In this session, we will review using rubrics, rate of responding, frequency count, and tracking prompt levels to take data on both basic and more complex skills. Learn how to create specific and individualized data sheets in a fast and simple way. Once you have all this data, you need to know what to do with. Making data based decisions is critical in determining if progress has been made. Learn how to use your academic data to drive your instructional decisions and plan supplemental activities, write additional goals, or strengthen foundational skills. Utilize behavioral data to create function based interventions, determine the success of behavior plans, and increase functional skills. Organization is the major component to a successful data system. We will discuss methods of organizing your data so you can access it readily. Staff training is also essential. Learn how to work with your staff so data is taken consistently across all areas of your classroom! Offered as a one or two day session.
This full day workshop will offer practical solutions to foster increases in positive behaviors and decreases in problem behaviors. This session will begin by exploring how to apply these strategies to everyday situations in an applicable and proactive way. This approach will focus on the changing outcomes of behaviors by looking at the entire context and approaching behavior from a function based perspective. Audience members will learn how conduct a thorough Functional Behavior Assessment, select appropriate and function-based strategies, and analyze data to determine growth and next steps. This workshop highlights ready to use interventions and real-life scenarios. The concepts can be applied to a wide range of environments
The goal for all general education and special education students is to be learning, engaged, and independent. Begin this process by identifying each learning and behavioral challenge as a Can’t Do or Won’t Do. Is the work or work process beyond your child’s skill level or is the motivation to complete the task not there? Explore learning obstacles by improving executive functioning skills and adapting academic work. Add a proactive element to your behavior management system by implementing positive reinforcement to increase positive behaviors within your class. This session is jam packed with ready to use strategies for general education and special education classrooms.
Learn how to target a wide range of literacy goals for early childhood students using interactive and hands-on adapted books. An adapted book is any book that has been modified in some way that makes it more accessible. Adding moveable pieces, simplified text, and visually based comprehension activities to your existing favorite books can help increase student engagement. In this session, we will explore ways to create your own adapted books that build both foundational language skills and more advanced literacy concepts.
In this full day workshop, we will explore methods to increase vocabulary, literacy skills, independence, and communication skills in your preschool students! The day begins with an in-depth look at the importance of building vocabulary for all preschoolers. Increased vocabulary will lead to more advanced reading skills in early elementary and overall school achievement. This session will explore using higher order thinking questions, play based learning, a focused read aloud, discrete trial training, and fluency instruction to build vocabulary with your preschoolers. We will also examine how appropriate and purposeful use of visuals helps build executive functioning skills with our younger learners. Learn how to utilize visuals to improve organization, planning, following directions, problem solving, and cognitive flexibility with preschool students. We will explore specific strategies and examples of how to create visuals, teach appropriate use, and utilize on a daily basis.
This session will examine literacy instruction for all types of students. We will review instructional planning, activity ideas, and specific interventions. Students with autism benefit from structured tasks, the use of visuals, multiple exemplars, discrimination training, and routine based instruction. Learn how you can incorporate these strategies into your functional literacy instruction.
Learn how to use your academic data to drive your instructional decisions. Explore a variety of ways to effectively and efficiently take data that is useful. In this session, we will review using rubrics, rate of responding, frequency count, and tracking prompt levels to take data on both basic and more complex academic skills. After collecting the data, then you need to use it! Learn how to utilize your data to plan supplemental activities, write additional goals, or strengthen foundational skills.
We live in a rule-driven world yet so often our children and adults lack the understanding of these guidelines. Behavior Contingency Maps show a visual representation of everyday rules. These maps illustrate the consequences that result from both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. These maps are an ABA based intervention and help identify the ABC pattern of behavior (antecedent, behavior, consequence) and will give your student or child a concrete way of understanding that “if, then” relationship – “If you do this, this will happen.” In this session, audience members will explore the purpose & use of Behavior Contingency Maps as well as leave ready to implement this strategy immediately in an effective and positive way!
We live in a rule-driven world yet so often our children and adults lack the understanding of these guidelines. Behavior Contingency Maps show a visual representation of everyday rules. These maps illustrate the consequences that result from both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. These maps are an ABA based intervention and help identify the ABC pattern of behavior (antecedent, behavior, consequence) and will give your student or child a concrete way of understanding that “if, then” relationship – “If you do this, this will happen.” In this session, audience members will explore the purpose & use of Behavior Contingency Maps as well as leave ready to implement this strategy immediately in an effective and positive way!
Working with the adult population can be very challenging. It can be tricky to navigate the often under-funded world of adult education in a way that is helpful and age appropriate for our adults. It’s a daunting task to create an environment that is meaningful and engaging. Individuals with autism are all so different and have a vast array of needs. In this session learn how to organize, setup, and structure your adult day program classroom. We will discuss everything from creating an efficient schedule, the physical structure, using visuals, creating a data system, and beginning curricular planning.
The key to successful data collection is to make it easy and doable! No matter how great your data system is – if it’s too complicated you won’t use it. In this session, learn how to make your data system work for you. Learn how to create specific and individualized data sheets in a fast and simple way. We will discuss ways to take data that are efficient, time saving, and useful. Once you have all this data, you need to know what to do with. Making data based decisions is critical in determining if progress has been made. Organization is the major component to a successful data system. We will discuss methods of organizing your data so you can access it readily. Staff training is also essential. Learn how to work with your staff so data is taken consistently across all areas of your classroom!
Children with autism are capable of learning to read when provided structured and individualized instruction! This session will provide detailed instruction on strategies to teach pre-reading skills, oral reading fluency, sight word recognition, reading comprehension, and word attack skills. This session will be focused on methods to organize and implement these strategies within special education classrooms for students with autism. Students with autism benefit from structured tasks, the use of visuals, multiple exemplars, discrimination training, and routine based instruction. Learn how you can incorporate these strategies to effectively teaching reading to students with autism. This session will also focus on the organizational aspect of reading instruction. We will discuss scheduling, grouping students, training paraprofessionals, and more!
Aggression and other problem behaviors can be the biggest obstacle to running a successful classroom. Whether extreme or mild, these behaviors can stop our teaching and halt student progress. In this session, learn how to use function-based interventions to efficiently and effectively reduce problem behaviors. In this workshop, begin by identifying target behaviors and determine the reason behind these maladaptive responses. Use this information to select an appropriate and effective intervention. In this session, we will discuss a multitude of interventions for each type of behavior.
This keynote presentation is perfect for a varied audience. Teachers, parents, clinicians, and other support staff will benefit from this proactive and real-world based perspective on behavior change. In this workshop, we will investigate how to increase positive behaviors, decrease negative behaviors, and how to handle emergency situations where nothing goes as planned!
It’s a daunting tasks setting up an autism classroom or appropriately integrating students with autism into the general education setting. Students with autism are all so different and have a vast array of needs. Many of these learners need to be taught individually. It can seem impossible to effectively teach a group of such different students when so many of us our understaffed. In this session learn how to organize, setup, and structure your classroom. We will discuss everything from creating an efficient classroom schedule, the physical structure, using visuals, creating a data system, and beginning your curricular planning.
Fluency is accuracy plus speed and is a must-have when it comes to making the skills we teach functional in the real world. Learn how to implement fluency instruction in your classroom with this interactive workshop. This presentation covers instructional strategies for both lower level learners and more advanced academic and functional skill sets.
Learn how to create curriculum that is engaging, appropriate, and at your child’s level. In this presentation we will go through a variety of instructional techniques, program goals, and material suggestions for language arts and math instruction. This workshop is incorporates ideas for all levels of learners.