Holiday Party and a Holiday Sale 🙂


Holiday party was a success! More or less – a few tears and a few screams but nothing too major. My bar for success may be low! But the kiddies had fun! So thank you Santa – that was one of the best presents you could have given me 🙂 Phew. A pre-holiday vacation disaster was the last thing I needed and you all probably can understand that we all seem to be running on fumes just pining away for that glorious release of sweet, sweet winter break. Delicious. Almost. There. Ugh.


Check out what we did: Gingerbread houses, Christmas crafts, snow flubber, Christmas sensory bins, cookie decorating…

 and my mom came to drop off some presents and read some holiday books 🙂 So cute and so fun! She loves my babies!

I am linking up with Casey at Second Grade Manic for a Welcome Winter Sale! So all weekend my store will be 20% off!

Maybe you are thinking way ahead and want to grab my Christmas Reading Centers and Speech Games for next year?:

Or you want to pick up my discrete trial data sheets which I have gotten some really great feedback on (thanks friends!)

my new What’s Bugging You? Color Matching Edition Book:

or stock up on data sheets, money activities, or sentence building centers!


It’s a long freaken winter ahead so I planning on doing a lil shopping myself to make sure my buddies will be nice and busy all January and February 🙂


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