Gingerbread Poem!

Categories: Curriculum Ideas

Who doesn’t love gingerbreads? I mean – I actually don’t really like eating them – but who does love doing thematic gingerbread activities in December? Super cute little cookies that can lend itself to countless stories, crafts, and activities. Ugh – adorable!

My cousin is a preschool teacher in the same district as I and has this really awesome talent. She is freakishly amazing at writing poems. I swear this girl thinks in rhymes. Well, another cousin challenged this modern day Dr. Seuss to write a poem a day for a year. And she took it on! Check it out – Rachel’s Poem Challenge – she is one day 241!

So from time to time – when I can’t find a poem that perfectly suites my complex needs (long but not too long, challenging but not too hard, cute but not too babyish, and seasonal of course) I ask her to whip one up for me. She happily obliges – pleased not having to think of yet another topic to write some rhymes about.

I recently asked for a gingerbread poem and turned it into a worksheet. My guys just died. They were giggling away thinking about the hilariousness of biting a gingerbread’s head.

After getting all of our great fluency and voice intonation practice reading the poem – we made pictures to work on comprehension.

 I have seen a bunch of awesome pinterest ideas for ways to hang student work easily. For the start of the school year I kind of thought I was exempt from having to subscribe to one of these methods since I really only have 6 students that do academic work that I would hang. Art projects that all of my kids do I am okay with stapling to the bulletin board. But honestly – worksheets so get tricky. I like to display student academic work since I’m pretty sure that despite my extreme efforts most of the school thinks I am a glorified babysitter and all my students do all day is play on the iPads.

I decided to tape top loading sheets to the hallway and then I can easily just switch out the worksheet in the page protector! Ahhh-  MUCH easier!


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