FAQ: Homework and Worksheets

I have gotten a bunch of questions lately about my homework system. I have also gotten some questions about what worksheets are in my independent language binders from my fluency station. I basically use the same system for selecting worksheets for home and binders.

Here is my system:

Any worksheets I find that I like – I print. Even if they don’t exactly fit the students I have at the moment, my classroom is always changing and you never know what level your new students will be at. I organize all of my worksheets into binders. I generally organize them by concept and level (ie. easy comprehension, hard comprehension, easy matching (pictures), matching with words).

I highly recommend investing in a heavy duty 3 hole punch (if you school is like mine and doesn’t have any fancy copier capabilities such a hole punching). For some reason – I dread putting worksheets away and I realized it took so long because the holes were uneven from different packets. The industrial 3-hole punch to the rescue! Ahhh… pretty much embarrassing how happy that made me …

When I make homework packets for kids, I make enough for about a month or 2. I look back through my lesson plans or a cheat sheet like this I made:

… and select which worksheets are appropriate. I want homework and independent work to be mastered and doable but not way to easy either. I make copies all the appropriate sheets for each kid and then make a big assembly line of worksheets and choose 2-4 worksheets for a packet and staple them!

Worksheets get stored in file dividers according to student:

Each student has a homework folder:

When they get to school in the morning, the first step in their AM Routine is homework.

They submit their homework to the finished bin and then put a new packet into their folder!

Pros and Cons to the system: It takes a LONG time to set up all the packets but once you are done – you’re done! For my higher students, this system runs itself.

I make a lot of worksheets but no need to reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to! I also print a lot of worksheets from online. Here are where I get some of these lovely worksheets:

I have found some easy writing/spelling worksheets here:

Math worksheets:
Tracing worksheets:
https://www.handwritingworksheets.com/ (make ones with names of kids)

Matching worksheets: (good for kids with limited writing skills)
I also use news-2-you for homework- it’s an online weekly newspaper that is adapted for children with special needs. There are 2 different levels of difficulty and a TON of supplementary worksheets/ activities. You need a yearly subscription – but you could always ask your principal! I think it’s worth it! https://news2you.n2y.com/. We read the newspaper in class and then I’ll send home worksheets for homework.
For my language binders: I basically follow this same system of recently mastered work except only for language arts worksheets.
Since it is sectioned I usually do one section of wh- question worksheets, one vocabulary (so match word to picture type sheets), one section of grammar rules worksheets (so correcting sentences etc.) and then the other section depends on the students – some of mine still really need to work on handwriting so I sometimes include those types of sheets, I have also done alphabetizing, rhyming, word sorts, and freewrites. Basically anything independent that applies to their language arts IEP goals and/or is a area of their needs based on ABLLS, Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment, and Words Their Way Spelling Assessment. Here are a few peeks:
I know what you are going to ask! What about my students that can’t read/write?? What do they have for homework or an independent binder? Stay tuned until tomorrow….



  1. I love your blog and all your creative ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ahhh I love your blog. I was so loving that site news 2 u until I saw price .grrr. Looks awesome!

  3. I am so happy I found your website. I have been teaching for 3 years, and this is my first year teaching special ed. I am always looking for ideas and resources! Thank you for sharing what you do.


    The Eager Weekend
    The Eager Teacher

  4. Thank you Sarah! That means a lot! Hope your first year in special ed is going well!

  5. I know! Super pricey – hit up your principal! Mine surprises me sometimes by what he is willing to cover! Worth a shot – you could sell news-2-you as a way to help your classroom work on Common Core Standards!

  6. You’re welcome Joanna! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  7. Thanks for all this, its not not first year teaching and hopefully won’t be my last, all your ideas and resources are super helpful. Now, if only I could be as organized as you, things would/could be a lot easier:) Thanks again for such as awesome and helpful blog!!

  8. Thank you so much for reading Claire! I really appreciate the feedback! Have a great week!

  9. thank you you have lead me to a great ideas that i was searching for .. thank you

  10. Thanks for reading! Glad the ideas are helpful 🙂

  11. I love all of the orgnaizing and set up tips you have on your blog! I am truly impressed everytime I read a post! I like how you keep all of your worksheets in binders and how you organize them (holy binders!). I have the issue that I never know whether to keep the worksheet with the unit (i.e. matching and word searches with a Dr. Seuss unit) or categorize them by type (word searches in a word search binder) like you have done. Do you do both or do you just keep them organized by unit/theme in the binders?

  12. I know – I have a binder problem!! haha. I kind of do both! All of my thematic unit things – I keep separate organized by theme. But other worksheets (that aren’t thematic)- I sort by type (matching, rhyming, sorting, word searches, follow direction, etc.). It’s hard to find anything thematic when you need it if it’s organized by type (I have found!).

  13. Have you ever tried sending home a week’s worth of homework at one time? I was thinking I would create a packet to send home on Monday with about 5-10 worksheets. Then the student returns it the following Monday. I’m trying to make this an efficient process and it’s my first time with a student who would benefit from having homework.

  14. Have you ever thought about making bundles of your worksheets available by mail? I don’t know what legalities would be involved….


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