Exploratory Learning with Fruit

We had so much fun with our vegetable exploratory learning activity a few weeks ago that we decided to continue the streak and do fruits! These are such fun end of the year activities when everyone (including the teachers) are sick and tired of the same old structured work tasks. Don’t worry – there was still plenty of language and learning included!

We talked about all the fruit, cut them up, and tried them. We practiced asking each other if they liked the fruit and commenting. You should do this activity purely for the immensely entertaining value of watching your kids try lemons and limes. Freaken hilarious.

The Autism Helper - Fruit Activity


We followed up the taste test talkathon with a few writing activities! We answered some comprehension questions and did a few sorting activities. We sorted the fruit by color, yummy/yucky, has skin that you can eat/has skin that you cannot eat, and fruit were cut/fruit we didn’t cut. Some of these were tricky!
The Autism Helper - Fruit Activity The Autism Helper - Fruit Activity

A few fun follow up activities were fruit bingo (using my new best friend the Nova Chat!) and a cut and paste color sorting activity.

The Autism Helper - Fruit ActivityThe Autism Helper - Fruit Activity


And a freebie for you- 4 fruit worksheets! Download for free here: Fruit Pages. Enjoy!


  1. Wow! This is awesome! Thanks!!! 🙂

  2. Hey. Could you help me access the 4 fruit worksheet please as it shows page cannot be found when I click on the link.

    • Sorry! That is no longer available.

      • Hi when I click the fruit pages where it to download here it says page not found. Can you please help me out by resending or reposting link in comments? My kiddos world love this one

        • Hi! Apologies but that resource is no longer available!


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