Calling All ESY Teachers!
Call me crazy, but I can’t wait for ESY! We have some pretty spectacular things planned and I can’t wait to learn with my students. I’ve slowly started gathering materials and getting set up. I’m lucky that ESY will be in my classroom this year, so I don’t have a space to set up, but I do have lots to plan and prep. Here’s what I’ve got done so far
Welcome E-mail
About two weeks before ESY starts I’ll send a welcome email. While I know many of my students from my own classroom, I will have several students who are not on my regular caseload. I’ll introduce myself, share our weekly themes, any calendar dates they should know, and invite them to my ESY SeeSaw Class.
Boom Card Log-in Cards
Boom Cards are a staple in my classroom and will be in my ESY program, too. I went ahead and made a separate ESY class and printed Boom Card Log In cards and got them laminated for all of my students. I’ll share these with parents once we are done with ESY so they can continue practicing this summer.

Communication Books
Y’all know how I feel about good home-school communication! I’ll send home a home-school communication journal every day and ask that the parents fill out their page each night. I use The Autism Helper’s Home School Communication Packet. These are already differentiated, so they are easy to use and ready to go! I love to fill these out with students at the end of every day so parents know what was accomplished at school. I’ll do the same in ESY! For ESY I printed off the number of sheets needed, used a cover a co-worker made (isn’t it adorable!?) and used our binding machine to make it into a book.
Data Sheets
Not only will I organize and record ESY data on academics, behavior and independent functioning skills, I’ll be sharing that data with parents, too! My assistants and I will share data sheets with parents every week as well as a summary of progress at the end of ESY. I’ll be writing a whole blog on this topic – stay tuned! For now, I’ve got data sheets prepped and ready to be filled out.
Leveled Daily Curriculum
I’ll be using math and language arts Leveled Daily Curriculum to reinforce skills within the classroom this summer. Our ESY program is only 3 weeks long, so we have time for 1 unit. I have both math and language arts printed off and put into a color-coded folder. Inside the folder I’ve added a tab divider so that the two curriculums are easily divided. We will complete Leveled Daily Curriculum in centers. Students will be divided into groups based on what level they are in for the curriculums.

I’m keeping everything ready to go in a copy paper box found in the break room. I love a good organization system, but for ESY whatever is functional is what we use! These boxes are perfect for keeping everything together until we are ready to start! Next week I’ll be sharing how I organize and keep track of ESY data collection. I’ll be bringing you along on all of my ESY adventures this summer on Instagram, too! Summer can’t come soon enough!

- The Best Summer Reads for Autism Teachers - July 3, 2024
- Planning for a Successful Summer: A Guide for Parents - June 19, 2024
- Ending the Year on a High Note - June 3, 2024
There are some great tips here.
What is ESY? Is it the same as a summer school/booster program?
Laura – yes, exactly! In my district, ESY is the acronym for “Extended School Year”.
I’m excited about ESY too. I love the shorter days and the slower pace; I’m sure the kids do too. I love the idea for putting the curriculum units separated and ready to go into a folder. I’m going to use that. Thanks for sharing!
So happy it was helpful, Melissa! Thanks for reading!