Engaging Fall Activities!

Categories: Fall | Resources | Seasonal

The “ber” months are by far my most favorite! I love all the learning themes, the Fall and Winter seasons and different holidays.  For this post I review some of my favorite multi learning activities that can encourage learning & language skills. Get ready for some adapted books and Dollar Tree activity kits that will make your teaching prep so much easier!

Activity Set Kits

I absolutely love the pre-prepped themed activity kits that you can find at the Dollar Tree right now.  As always, there’s no pressure to spend your money on activities however, if you are short on time or have the school budget to do so, these kits are amazing.  The pumpkin and witch kits come with SIX in a pack for $1.25! That’s amazing! I thought these kits had sticker pieces however you will need some glue! I did these with some of my kids and it was no issue at all.  You can also easily pair a communication board or device with these activities. We worked on words such as eyes, ears, nose, hair, mouth, stem, hat, on, glue, more, want, “I like it!”, “put on here” etc.  While I will show the visual that the kits come with, I really like my students to put the pieces where they want to on the plate. For some kids we are working on completing an activity and then with others we might extend this with where the actual parts go by following a model, labeling the pieces etc.  You can’t go wrong with using these activities!

Adapted Books & Matching Extension Activities

There’s no secret that adapted books by The Autism Helper are my go-to multi skill learning tool!  I love how many different skills these books target: task completion, fun way of learning vocabulary, differentiated matching skills, repetition and more!  There are so many engaging expansion activities you can pair with these books as well. I have used them in whole group, small group, 1:1 teacher time, pair work and independent work. You can find some of my favorites below! Happy Fall!

Adapted Turkey Books
Weekly Matching Activity Books-Fall Edition


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