Curriculum Access
Life Skills Level 2
Level 2 focuses on introducing basic life skills concepts and vocabulary through application and problem solving. The topics covered in this level are: grocery shopping (categorizing, identifying price, expiration dates, payment methods); eating in the community (ordering from a menu, identifying price, sit-down/drive through/fast food restaurants, restaurant behavior); clothing and laundry (putting clothes away, doing laundry, matching clothes to season and temperature); cleaning (cleaning supplies functions, chores by room, steps to specific cleaning tasks); cooking and kitchen (kitchen safety, reading a recipe, kitchen appliances); public transportation (bike rules, rules and steps to using four methods of public transportation); mechanics and repair vocabulary (identifying tools and their functions, using batteries, simple household repairs); technology (internet safety, internet vocabulary, making phone calls and sending text messages).
Student Work
Looking to print all 9 units of the student workbook? Click here.
Teacher Resources
Use these tools to plan your lessons and track student progress.