Cooking Up Communication Round Up!

This summer we took an in-depth look into increasing communication with all types of learners. We looked at expressive language, receptive language, vocabulary skills, social skills, and oh so much more. Our resident SLP – Sarah the Speech Helper – had some great insights to share on core and fringe vocabulary, Social Thinking, and Wh- Questions. Maybe you took the summer off or just popped around for a bit here or there. No worries! We have everything you need to catch up on all of the great learning right here!

Check out our entire series right here.

If you are interested in learning even more about communication be sure to check out our communication tab above!


  1. Each person is unique – if it works use it. If it doesn’t – think out of the box and you might see through observation that the one with a communication challenge just might give you the clues to make it work. The one who needs assistance as well as the care giver is greatly rewarded and leads to other gifts already within you to build the bridge to enrich your lives.

  2. Great point! 🙂


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