Social Skills

The Undercover Autistic in School

The Undercover Autistic in School

         How do you know if you are average or different? Well most likely someone had told you that the particular actions you do fit under the normal or abnormal category. Or perhaps you made a judgment of your own by examining those around you and making your own...

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Incorporating Games Into Your Day

Incorporating Games Into Your Day

Let’s talk about game in the classroom. They teach so many skills and they are so engaging! Turn taking, waiting, listening to peers just to name a few. I use them every single day in my classroom. Here’s a few ideas for incorporating them into your schedule and...

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How To Use Structured Play Boxes

How To Use Structured Play Boxes

I enjoy seeing all of the growth in all areas of development for all of our learners. This is because of our structured environment, visual supports, and many other curriculum and strategies that are put in place in our structured classroom. Independent play, play...

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Social Comfort Zones and Play

Social Comfort Zones and Play

In my earlier days of teaching in Early Childhood I often found myself following kiddos around during play.  I would try to approach and interact, and they would either walk away or become upset if I tried to manipulate toys or engage with them.  What was I doing...

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Stereotypic Behaviors and Play Activities

Stereotypic Behaviors and Play Activities

For the next few weeks I plan on highlighting some amazing ideas I have learned from the book: The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk (Fein, Deborah et al. 2016).  While the title focuses on young children, these ideas can be applied to many ages as the...

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