Differentiation in a Kindergarten General Education Classroom: Small Group

Differentiation in a Kindergarten General Education Classroom: Small Group

Meeting with all students throughout the week can be difficult. While in a perfect world, we’d be able to see all students in a small group or one on one setting, sometimes that isn’t always possible. Depending on the class size, being flexible on how often you meet...
Differentiation in the General Education Classroom: Large Group

Differentiation in the General Education Classroom: Large Group

Differentiation in a classroom does take a lot of planning and prep, but don’t panic! Differentiation is important in both general education classrooms, specials, and self-contained classrooms. Throughout a learner’s educational experience, we as a team are to...
Differentiation in a General Education Classroom: Work at the Table

Differentiation in a General Education Classroom: Work at the Table

Differentiation in a general education classroom does take a lot of planning and prep, but don’t panic! Once we differentiate and create materials and resources, we save them for when another learner can benefit from using the same materials, even in school years in...