The Importance of Adapted Specials
If a student is having a hard time learning an academic skill, we teach them. If a student is lacking communication skills, we teach them. If a student is struggling with self-regulating, we teach them. So, if a student doesn’t have the skills to be successful in a...
The Dos and Don’ts of Independent Work
Two weeks ago, I shared with readers some simple ways to keep your classroom running when you’re short staffed. This week we are talking all about independent work! Not only are independent work blocks an easy way to help students work on skills like organization,...
3 Ways to Increase Opportunities for Inclusion
Inclusion is more than just plopping a student into a general education setting and calling it good. Being actively inclusive means that regardless of the potential barriers, all student's needs are considered and addressed; ensuring that they have the same...
Keeping Your Classroom Going When You’re a Man Down
Help! Your Classroom is a Man Down! I’m sure we’d all love to say that classrooms have become short-staffed solely because of COVID-19, but let’s be real, classrooms were short-staffed long before the pandemic. Now, let’s add the impact of a pandemic – and well,...
Get Ready for 2022!
As a serial goal setter, New Years is one of my favorite holidays. Whether it’s reviewing my Top Songs of 2021 on Spotify, or color coordinating my 2022 desk calendar – this time of year excites me! Seriously – if it involves a new planner or a package of Paper Mate...
3 Ways to Remove the Supporting Adult
As we all know, running a successful special education program takes a village. I know for a fact that my students' individual needs would not be met in such a safe and productive way if it were not for my team of paraprofessionals. These adults come to work each day,...
On Campus Jobs for High School and Transition Students: Part 1
This blog is the first in a series where I will highlight how we set up and engage students in on campus job training opportunities. While we have always offered a variety of on campus and community based job training opportunities, we have had to be especially...
How To Create A Year-Long Plan
I will be honest. There are never enough minutes in a day, but that's probably no surprise! In times of increasing anxiety, I remember to list the must haves of the week. Keeping track of everything is a lot; being a teacher is A LOT! I am big on organization and if...
Who Needs a Picture Schedule?
The question in the title of this post is kind of a trick question. You can use pictures schedules anywhere and everywhere! Depending on the needs of your learners as individuals, they can be all around the classroom. Implementing picture schedules should not be a one...
How To Include Functional Gross Motor and Recess Activities
In all of my years of teaching, recess has never been my all time favorite time of the day. I love the time for our learners to get outside, enjoy nature, let out energy, play with peers, and have fun, however, I have experienced a lot of frustrations and tears due to...
Creating Picture Schedules Using Powerpoint
So, we are nearing the end of the school year and you might be thinking, “I’m burnt like toast and the thought of creating anything is just too much!” BUT! Some of you might be teaching ESY or summer school or maybe you have a little longer to teach. I personally...
Touring A Socially Distant Educational Learning Skills Classroom
This month marks one year of a worldwide pandemic! To say that I am proud of us for making it through is an understatement! Underneath all of the stress and tears, my team and I have learned new ways of teaching that we never thought we would need. Veteran teachers...
Managing Smooth Classroom Schedules
The building that my classroom is housed in is an all preschool building. We have 10 classrooms in total with MANY related service team members, and two Early Childhood Assessment Teams. Not only do we have to manage all of our individual classroom schedules, but we...
Encouraging Independence During Remote Learning
Many of our families are struggling teaching functional routines such as dressing, hand washing, what to do when you are leaving the house, how to clean up after eating, etc. When we were in the classroom, we worked on these skills and kept data on these routines and...
Proactive Strategies for Behavior Part 2
Recap of Part 1 In part 1 of my list of proactive strategies (check it out here), I reviewed the beginning steps of being proactive. Whether in a full remote, hybrid, or in person model right now and in the future, these steps will help. Being proactive when teaching...
Face to Face Early Learning Classroom Set Up
I am so excited that some of our students will be returning to in person instruction. My disclaimer about this post is that this is what we THINK will work. As you know, especially with super tiny humans and an ongoing pandemic, the plan and structure must always be...
A Typical Day in a Virtual Structured Classroom
Our Preschool Schedule Our schedule was created by our district in order to keep all grades aligned. We have two sessions and two courses within our Canvas course, one for AM and one for PM. We are required to go live for first circle time and are strongly encouraged...
Scheduling Preschoolers and Keeping IEP Data During Remote Learning
The start of the school year has been off to a wonderful and crazy ride! Zoom meetings have been taking over my whole day as we get ready to teach our students in a remote setting. As we start teaching, it is important that I stay as focused as possible, especially...
Schedules, Schedules Everywhere
With the start of every school year, and returning after break, and basically every Monday, I look at my classroom and see what might need to change and what is working! Classroom and individual schedules are one of the main items on my running to do list to...
Focus on Five: My Day Teaching ESY
While some states are slowly reopening, online learning is still the reality for almost all Extended School Year programs (ESY) this summer. Like Heather, I am teaching virtual ESY this summer (check out her post for planning a virtual ESY). Since virtual classrooms...