Baking Up Blends!

Squeezed in a little bit of time to finish up this new product that has been lurking around on my desktop. I had printed some of this a few weeks ago to do a few test runs with my kiddos and is classroom approved! I LOVE the cutesy clipart. I would totally love a cherry red kitchen aide like that for myself actually! Santa??

Let me give you a little run down of everything including in this packet – Baking Up Blends: Games and Activities to Work on Initial Blend Sounds.

A really fun word sort activity. My guys LOVE to play this using a spoon or ladle to ‘put’ the words in the bowl!

Visual blending activity. This is a great structured way to practice blending and I made a score card to motivate my competitive kiddos!

Posters for your class. These are useful to help remind students about the rules of blending!

Word banks with corresponding worksheets. I like to have my students use the word banks when we start this activity and then after a few practice words – see if they can complete the activity independently.

Sorting and labeling worksheets.

“I have, who has?” Blend game. I loooooove this game. I use with almost every unit and concept (if you have noticed!). It works on social skills, attention maintenance, and the skill. Yippee.

Blend bingo. There are 10 different boards with calling cards. Bingo is another one of my favs. Great for independent social time.


Check out a video product preview!



Grab this product today! While it’s still in sale in my TpT store 🙂 and most importantly – HAPPY WINTER BREAK!


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