April is Autism Awareness Month

Categories: Resources

Reflecting back to past Aprils leaves me with some positive and some negative thoughts. Each year I do the Autism Speaks Walk as well as do some autism awareness activities throughout my school. It is great to see how year after year autism awareness gains momentum and voice. The walk has been larger than ever, loads of stores and restaurants do charitable promotions, and even the skyline is light up blue in acknowledgement. We are a long way from getting a confused look from others when you mention autism. Now when you bring up autism, the person you are talking to probably even knows someone with autism. Which brings me to the other side of this issue – the increase in autism awareness increases along with the increase in the incidence of autism. The latest numbers are 1 in every 88 children. My handout from last year that I looked at had 1 in 91 and the year before had 1 in 126. It just keeps growing. It’s overwhelming. Research is more important than ever. Use this month as an opportunity to support autism research in one way or another.

autism awareness

I shared a post a few weeks ago about my Autism Awareness Unit (by the by – thanks so much for all the super sweet feedback you all have for this product – I am SO HAPPY you have found this unit as helpful as I do!). I threw up my bulletin boards this morning. Not as cute as they could be but at least they are colorful and get our point across! It was fun seeing the first students working on the questions this afternoon. I love overhearing their conversations. “Yea some kids with autism for sure can read, that one is false.”

autism awareness

autism awareness

Do you do anything special for Autism Awareness month? What charity do you choose to support? 



  1. Wow, I love your awareness bulletin boards. Did you have that up for the whole school, or just in your room? You really do have a wonderful blog, you are amazing at what you do!

  2. At my junior high, I put up posters around the campus – each one has a basic fact about Autism. The posters are numbered 1-8. Students can find a write down all 8 facts, and place their paper in a box outside the main office. At the end of the month, we hold a drawing for a fast food gift card and the opportunity to go on a field trip as a “buddy” to one of my kiddos! We had a great response last year from the general ed students!

  3. It is up in the hallway for the whole school to engage in 🙂

  4. Love that!! 🙂

  5. This year, our school is making a human autism awareness ribbon! We’ll all dress in blue, yellow, and red. We’ll form a giant ribbon on our soccer fields and the bucket truck from our local fire company is going to take pictures! Local news will be there too! We also assemble autism ribbon pins from the Autism Society for each member of our school community. Every day facts are read on the announcements and there are posters throughout the school. We have daily True/False power points also. Next year, we are hoping to do a 5K race!

  6. My fellow speech language pathologists and I from my district are holding an Autism Awareness Open house at the end of the month. We have invited numerous community organizations to present to our families how they support people with autism. We have a variety of people who work with kids from birth-to-three through adolescents coming. We are looking forward to a great, informative evening.

  7. I love this! Thank you for sharing. I hope you can join my classroom photos linky party this week!

    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  8. Just linked up! 🙂 I love your classroom rules (and the rest of your adorable classroom!).

  9. Omigosh what a great idea, Paige! That sounds amazing – let me know how it goes 🙂

  10. Awesome, Jen! Send me a picture of the human ribbon! That is SO cool! I feel super outdone 🙂


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