Academic Unifix Cubes

Have I shared my summer resolution? I am DONE spending money on my class. Let’s see how strongly I stick to it but I’m trying hard. That doesn’t mean I’m stopping the endless stream of creativity that keeps me up late at night, that means I just need to get creative about creating tasks. This new task could be used for countless types of skill development with a fine motor twist. Literally.

The perfect marriage of the unifix cube and a sharpie. For some reason I seem to have a massive bag of unifix cubes in my classroom at all times. I think small school elves sneak in at night and replenish them or something. Time to put them to good use!

The Autism Helper - Unifix Cube Tasks

I made some matching lowercase to uppercase sets and also some general matching letters. This task works on discrimination, letter recognition, and fine motor skills! Up next: I’m making match number to quantity!

The Autism Helper - Unifix Cube Tasks

The Autism Helper - Unifix Cube Tasks


Do you unifix cube? 


  1. I like your activity! I have been trying to create new activities/tasks lately too. I do have a question for you.

    After an observation I was told that my tasks do not have any relation to the common core.

    I am wondering if I have to keep what common core activities relate to with each task? Have you ever had to deal with something like this?


  2. I like this activity as well as I also try to make tasks that target multiple areas of need.
    As for the common core comment, we have had similar discussions here but we are allowed to go down as low as we need in the common core to meet where are students are at. That might mean I use our kindergarten readiness standards as my common core instead of using the 2nd grade CCS because my students may not be functioning on that level, so we are still doing CCS, just at their individual levels. Hope that helps!

  3. Thank you for your comment.

    I have also been told to access the common core at the student’s level, but when I was doing shape flashcards with a student – “identify simple shapes” for his 7th grade geometry strand – I figured I was obviously doing work that met common core standards…I mean, how can you do any more geometry if you can not identify the shapes? Anyway, I was doing this while I was being observed, and my observation said that my tasks, “had no relation to the common core – student was just looking at shape cards.” So I guess I’m trying to figure out how to make it “obvious” that what I am doing IS related, because apparently it is not as obvious as I thought it was.

  4. This could be the very, very foundational level for language arts common core goals related to word recognition of fluent reading. But again – at the VERY basic level.

  5. Thanks Kathleen! Exactly my thinking 🙂


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