5 Tools for Vestibular Sensory Input

The vestibular system refers to your sense of movement and balance.  It is a super important, foundational sensory system.  It helps us feel safe and secure in our bodies.  I wrote a whole blog post about the vestibular system, check it out here.  Some students seek out vestibular input during the school day, and it can be very helpful for regulation.  Today, I wanted to highlight 5 tools that you may want to use to provide vestibular input for your students.  The vestibular system is very sensitive, so be sure to consult with your OT before trying these strategies!



1. Swing

If you are lucky enough to have a sensory room with a space for a swing, this could be a great option to incorporate for your students as part of a break outside of the classroom.  Linear swinging tends to be calming, and rotational swinging tends to be alerting.  There are many different types of swings, some providing additional proprioceptive and calming input.  If you don’t have an indoor swing but have access to a playground, the playground swing can also provide vestibular input.

2. Balance Board

Kids have been loving this balance board since we added it our sensory room.  For an added challenge, try playing catch or having a student engage in a writing task on a vertical surface while balancing on the board!


3. Stepping Stones

These stepping stones come in various heights.  Students can arrange them to make their own obstacle course, stepping from one to another.  This is a fun way to let students be creative !

4.  Mats

Regular gym mats can be great for encouraging movement, such as log rolling, crawling and yoga poses which are all great for vestibular input.  The tumbletrack mat is an inflatable, dynamic mat that is great for students who like to run, jump and flip.

5. Dynamic seating

The scoop chair is a great option for younger students.  It is a small chair that allows a rocking motion, perfect for use at circle time or story time.  For older students, a rocking chair, wobble stool or ball chair are great ways to provide vestibular input while working in the classroom.

What are some of your favorite ways to provide organized vestibular/movement input for your students?


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