There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover {free resource}

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover by Lucille Colandro is perfect to use for St. Patrick’s Day!  I like using There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A…… books for different holidays throughout the year. These books are great to target holiday vocabulary terms and work on sequencing events in a story.  Print out this free handout of There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover book pictures, sequencing pictures, and visual question sheet.

4 Clover Pages

Print, laminate, and cut the book pictures.  I use the smaller book pictures as I read the story.  I add a piece of soft velcro to the book pictures and a piece of hard velcro onto the book page next to each item the old lady swallows.  I laminate and add hard velcro  to the blank picture board to store all the book pictures.  This makes it easy to find all the book pictures!

Clover Pictures


When I start the book, I have the students identify “who” the story is about and attach the “old lady” picture to the cover of the book.  As I read the book, the students find the correct picture to match what the old lady swallows and attaches it to the velcro in the book.  First, the old lady swallows a clover.  Have the student find the clover from a visual field of 2 or more pictures depending on his/her level and attach the clover picture in the book.  Second, the old lady swallows a daisy so the student finds the daisy picture and attaches it in the book.  Continue this throughout the book to identify all 7 items the lady swallows, who the old lady meets in the story, and what “popped out” at the end of the book.


Clover Cover 2

Clover Pages


I take the larger book pictures I laminated to work on sequencing skills.  After the story is finished, have the kids retell the story identifying what the old lady swallowed first, second, third, etc….


clover sequence pictures


For some of my students I give them a visual field of 2 pictures to determine what the old lady swallowed.  For example, I hold up the clover and gold pictures and ask “what did the old lady swallow first?”.  We line up all 7 pictures in the correct order and practice re-telling the story using the visuals.


clover sequencing



You can also complete the visual questions that go with the book as you read the book or after you finish the story depending on the student’s ability.

Clover Picture Questions

Hope your students enjoy this book and activity as much as mine did!


Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 4.03.10 PM


  1. Sasha, I used this packet with my K-3 kiddos and they loved it!!! Loved that there is a comprehension piece to accompany the book. Kids loved it so much that we have read it everyday this week. Thank you!

  2. Great to hear!

  3. Is there a link to this resource? When I click on it, it goes to tpt and I am unable to search for the resource.
    Thank you

  4. I updated this to link it directly in the post!

  5. When I click on the link, it takes me to TPT but it does not show that it is on TPT.

  6. It’s working now- sorry about that!

  7. Thank you

  8. Looking forward to using the with my Pre-k kiddos.

    • Enjoy! Thanks for reading 🙂

  9. Great to hear! Thanks for reading 🙂


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