Schedules {Mini Schedules}

Categories: Resources | Schedules

First off – Happy 4ht of July! Don’t forget about my 4th Sale going on now! Everything in my store is 20% off today! Before you continue the hot dog vs. hamburger debate in your head (go for both, calories don’t count on a holiday), let’s have a quick chat about mini schedules. We know schedules are amazingly effective for our kiddos. They clarify the routine, the expectations, ease the stress of transitions… so why are we only using this awesome intervention in one way, for our daily schedule? Schedules are a quick and easy behavior management technique that can and should be used in a multitude of ways in your classroom! Heck, sometimes I write myself out a mini schedule when I know I have a lot going on. Schedules are your friends. So make nice.

You can make mini schedules with visuals for your students with low receptive language.  I use mini schedules at many different stations throughout my class and for independent time too! These would also be great for inclusion since you can make these pretty discrete and unobtrusive. Use just words for readers. Even simples ones help. Here are some examples:

The Autism Helper - Schedule

The Autism Helper - Schedule

I also love using written mini schedules. It takes two seconds and can be immensely helpful. Although some of our kids may seem like they have a lot of language – they still struggle and could benefit from visuals (even written visuals!).

The Autism Helper - Schedule


The Autism Helper - Schedule

Check out these post on other ways to use written schedules:

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Happy 4th! Go watch some fireworks and eat that hot dog/hamburger combo! 


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